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Mission Guide V1 Empty Mission Guide V1

Post by Admin Tue Jun 16, 2020 8:45 pm

Mission Guide
Mission Guide V1 Sffpfzp
Missions are the lifeblood of shinobi. The village often creates missions for their own shinobi as "jobs" or tasks. Sometimes the village gets requests from others, whether from merchants, other nations or indigenous people of the land. Missions serve to accomplish more than just tasks for the village however. They also serve as a way for shinobi to mature and advance their own skills. Even more, missions serve as stability or instability across the shinobi world. Two types of missions exist. First, there is stability missions- the type of mission that either avoids conflict with other villages, or works together with other villages on a common goal. Second, there are instability missions. These missions directly work against other villages, decreasing stability between the villages. Each has their own benefit, but choose wisely! Your actions could lead to peace or war!
Do NOT copy/paste repeat missions. This is an exploitation and will be punishable. SS & X Rank missions are event & plot only.

Note- Please place all written missions in the "VIllage Mission" subforum. Also, only Staff & Kage may register SS & X Rank missions.

Genin shinobi may participate in C Rank missions(2 Genin or 1 Genin & 1 Chuunin+).
Chuunin shinobi may participate in B Rank missions(
2 Chuunin or 1 Chuunin & 1 SPC Jounin+).

Special Jounin shinobi may participate in A Rank missions(2 SPC Jounin or 1 SPC Jounin & 1 Jounin+).
Jounin shinobi may participate in S Rank missions(1 Jounin+)(3+Jounin may participate in SS & X Rank).
Sannin shinobi may participate in SS-X missions(1 Sannin+).

Mission Template
Mission Template:

Stability Missions
D Rank- 50exp, 50 RYO, 3 posts of 200WC(Word Count) minimum
C Rank- 100exp, 100 RYO, 5 Stability, 4 posts of 200WC(Word Count) minimum
B Rank- 150exp, 150 RYO, 10 Stability, 5 posts of 200WC(Word Count) minimum
A Rank- 200exp, 200 RYO, 15 instability, 6 posts of 200WC(Word Count) minimum
S Rank- 250exp, 250 RYO, 20 instability, 7 posts of 200WC(Word Count) minimum
SS Rank- 300exp, 300 RYO, 25 instability, 8 posts of 200WC(Word Count) minimum
X Rank- 350 exp, 350 RYO, 30 instability, 9 posts of 200WC(Word Count) minimum

Instability Missions
C Rank- 110exp, 50 RYO, 5 instability, 4 posts of 200WC(Word Count) minimum
B Rank- 160exp, 75 RYO, 10 instability, 5 posts of 200WC(Word Count) minimum
A Rank-  210exp, 100 RYO, 15 instability, 6 posts of 200WC(Word Count) minimum
S Rank- 260exp, 125 RYO, 20 instability, 7 posts of 200WC(Word Count) minimum
SS Rank- 310exp, 150 RYO, 25 instability, 8 posts of 200WC(Word Count) minimum
X Rank- 360 exp, 175 RYO, 30 instability, 9 posts of 200WC(Word Count) minimum

These missions and systems are designed specifically for solo types & grinding solo threads. While hard work and dedication are appreciated and rewarding- we would also like to encourage teamwork and RPing with each other. To that end, I have added another option for missions. These only apply when doing missions with other members, not NPCs. Below describes extra incentive for group missions, but certain missions by staff for events & plot may be excluded.
2 Member missions: When two members do a mission together, they earn 1.25x mission rewards.(Exclusions include certain rewards like Limited items and KKGs)
3+ Member missions: When three or more members do a mission together, they earn 1.5x mission rewards.(Exclusions include certain rewards like Limited items and KKGs)

To clarify the stability between villages, there are three stages to each village's reputation. Allies, Neutral & War.
Allies: When two villages share a healthy relationship, they are considered allies. This is when the reputation bar is between 201-300. Cooperative missions and events may be held- such as missions where one village requests assistance from another village. Or one village hosts the chuunin exams and the other village attends. During this time, shinobi between these villages may travel freely to the other village, given they had the proper rank to travel & reasons!
Neutral: When two villages' reputation starts to destabilize, they are considered neutral. This is when the reputation bar is between 101-200. Like the "Allies" reputation, villages may request missions and host chuunin exams... but shinobi from the other village are not permitted free entry into the village, nor territory. They must have official purpose or they risk being held prisoner.
War: When two villages' reputation are hostile, they are considered at war. This is when the reputation bar is between 0-100. When at war with another village, villages may not cooperate or do missions together, nor do they host chuunin exams for other villages. Nor are they allowed to travel to the other village. Being caught in or near the village's territory, may lead to combat where you are either captured or killed. All shinobi of villages are expected to uphold these laws. Failure to capture or defeat enemy shinobi may lead to punishment if it is learned that you allowed them to escape. Have no fear, for there is a way to reverse the harmful effects of war! If the two kage determine that the war is too costly, they may request a Kage Summit. Both Kage must attend and the other kage are optional but it is required to include them. Typically the location of the summit is secret and held in a neutral territory. Once the summit commences, the two Kage come to agreeable terms in whatever form they wish: whether is is returning of land for RYO, releasing of prisoners, etc. Once the agreement has been established, the two villages may begin Stability missions and start rebuilding their reputation.

Notably, there are methods for quickly raising instability between missions. This includes village attacks and the murder of Kage. These and similar actions will be graded by staff, but at a minimum will charge 15 Instability. In certain situations, it can instantly lead to War. All Stability/Instability tracking will be maintained by Kage and staff in the Kage's office.

Additionally, in times of war between villages. All shinobi of the opposite village have a minimum bingo bounty attached to them based on the bingo bounty rank below.

Bingo Book
Mission Guide V1 Z1AOm2b
Committing crimes against any village increases a shinobi's bingo count. This is done various ways, such as betraying your own village, or even something as simple as completing Instability Missions. Your Bingo count is located in your character update sheet and increases or decreases depending on which missions you do. Of course there are other ways to increase Bingo count, such as personally attacking another village or their shinobi(Especially during times of peace!) Beware, you'll be held accountable between allied villages if you damage the trust established. Capturing or killing Bingo targets may reward you & your village rewards from other villages(Assuming they have enough to pay you!)
Please note that Bingo bounties pertain to Player Characters(PC) and staff Non Player Characters(NPCs) only. In the case of Player Bounties, staff will monitor that this is not abused.

Posts : 251
Join date : 2020-06-15

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