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Stat Guide V1 Empty Stat Guide V1

Post by Admin Tue Jun 16, 2020 6:07 pm

Stat Guide V1 CDuuxgt
Here at NM(Naruto Mirage), we use a 10 point scaling stat system to determine what is & isn't capable by all shinobi. It is fair, reasonable and intends no bias upon any build or Specialization. Each stat has it's specific strength, but no stat is all -encompassing. Every member will receive a base maximum of 35 points. Certain things such as a Kekkai Genkai(KKG) may increase this amount(For now at no cost, may change). Additionally, although we use a 10 point system, some Limiteds may scale higher.

A D Rank character may start with a base of +5 stat points. Each shinobi ranking(D for Genin, C for Chuunin, etc) will determine the base amount of stats for rank-approved characters(Such as starting with a shinobi at B Rank would give a base of 15 stat points). These points are to be placed in whatever stat that you deem fit for your character. HOWEVER- after initial points have been placed, they may not be moved and anymore stat placement will cost corresponding experience costs. Below is the cost associated with each rank of points.
1 Point- 100 EXP
2 Points- 200 EXP
3 Points- 300 EXP
4 Points- 400 EXP
5 Points- 500 EXP
6 Points- 600 EXP
7 Points- 700 EXP
8 Points- 800 EXP
9 Points- 900 EXP
10 Points- 1,000 EXP

Strength: Strength governs your physical might. This includes things such as lift weight, withstanding knock-back and of course, physical damage inflicted.
1 Point: You are as weak as an average human.
2 Points: You are considered the strongest of humans.
3 Points: You may crush stones with your hands.
4 Points: You may bend metals slowly
5 Points: You may shatter bounders.
6 Points: You may toss boulders.
7 Points: You may toss medium summons.
8 Points: You may bend or snap metals quickly.
9 Points: You may shatter the ground(20M parameter)
10 Points: You may shatter the ground(50M parameter)

There are a few sub-stats involved with Strength as well.
Lift weight: 1 Point equals 50lbs weight.
Knock-back: Withstand attacks equal to your Strength stat.
Jumping: Jump distance is 1 meter per 1 point. So someone with 10 Points in strength may jump in any direction up to 10 Meters.
Melee Weapons: Strength+Weapon damage.

Speed: Speed governs your movement. 1 Point in Speed stat grants a movement boost of 1 meter per second. Be careful not to make yourself too fast or even your own perception may fail you. If your speed outmatches your Perception, then reacting will drain additional stamina. This amount is listed below, in the "Advantage/Disadvantage" section.
Projectile Speed: Speed+Strength/2
Projectile Damage: Strength+Weapon damage.

Perception: Perception governs your ability to see and comprehend various things. This ranges from attention to minor details, reading/predicting handseals & reaction timing. In terms of reaction timing, you may only perceive movement/actions equal to your Perception. Reacting to multiple foes is possible, but drains stamina more quickly.
1 Point: Your understanding of the world is at face value.
2 Points: You may recognize inconsistencies in D Rank Genjutsu more easily. Minus 1 post duration of D Rank Genjutsu(Minimum of 1 post cannot be exceeded).
3 Points: You are starting to understand subtle hints. Recognizes changes to facial expressions. May react to up to 2 enemies/attacks(At 1 point less in Perception).
4 Points: You may recognize inconsistencies in C Rank Genjutsu.  Minus 1 post duration of C Rank Genjutsu(Minimum of 1 post cannot be exceeded).
5 Points: Your attention to detail is impressive. Recognizes subtle hand movements and handseals.
6 Points: You may recognize inconsistencies in B Rank Genjutsu.  Minus 1 post duration of B Rank Genjutsu(Minimum of 1 post cannot be exceeded). May react to up to 3 enemies/attacks(At 1 point less in Perception).
7 Points: You are an astute observer. Recognizes subtle body movements(such as shifting weight from one foot)
8 Points: You may recognize inconsistencies in A Rank Genjutsu.  Minus 1 post duration of A Rank Genjutsu(Minimum of 1 post cannot be exceeded).
9 Points: Not much gets passed your eye. Subtle movements and even highspeed movement. May react to up to 4 enemies/attacks(At 1 point less in Perception).
10 Points: You may recognize inconsistencies in S Rank Genjutsu.  Minus 1 post duration of S Rank Genjutsu(Minimum of 1 post cannot be exceeded).

Durability: Durability governs your health, your ability to survive. The higher Durability is, the more damage you can take before being rendered unconscious or dying. Durability is more of an “armor” or resistance stat here. Far too often have we seen most places place very little value into actual protection. Here, Durability has a formula. 1 Point in Durability protects you from 1 jutsu point. When damage is applied to you, you take the point power of the attack and subtract it from your Durability points. Meaning if you have 10 Durability and are hit by a 3 point Jutsu power, you take mostly no damage. Anything less than your total is considered 1 point of power against you.
If you have 7 Durability and are hit by a 10 point power attack, you will be dealt 3 point damage("Heavy bruising & lacerations/1st degree burns- large area.")
1 point: Minor bruising & lacerations/ 1st degree burns-small area.
points: Moderate bruising & lacerations/ 1st degree burns- medium area. 3 posts w/o passing out, 5 posts drown/suffocate.
points: Heavy bruising & lacerations/1st degree burns- large area.
points: Minor bone damage & shallow cuts/ 2nd degree burns-small area. 5 posts w/o passing out, 7 posts drown/suffocate.
points: Moderate bone damage & 1"deep cuts/2nd degree burns-medium area.
points: Heavy bone damage(Compound fractures) & 2"deep cuts/2nd degree burns- large area. 7 posts w/o passing out, 9 posts drown/suffocate.
points: Extreme bone damage(Full break) & 3"deep cuts/3rd degree burns- medium area.
points: Maximum bone damage(Shatter) & 4"deep cuts/4th degree burns-medium area. 9 posts w/o passing out, 11 posts drown/suffocate.
points: Your limbs are torn/shredded or burns/frozen off.
10 points: Your whole body is like warm butter- easily mutilated by various effects. 11 posts w/o passing out, 12 posts drown/suffocate.

Chakra: Chakra stat governs your chakra potency. Chakra potency determines the power of your jutsu based on a multiplicative value of Chakra X Jutsu Rank. No ability, skill or KKG may increase your chakra multiplier. Each point per rank is increased by 0.5. This is especially important in the case of "extended scale Limiteds"
1 Point: 0.5x Multiplier
2 Points: 1x Multiplier
3 Points: 1.5x Multiplier
4 Points: 2x Multiplier
5 Points: 2.5x Multiplier
6 Points: 3x Multiplier
7 Points: 3.5x Multiplier
8 Points: 4x Multiplier
9 Points: 4.5x Multiplier
10 Points: 5x Multiplier
An example of this is a character with 10 Chakra stat, who uses an A Rank jutsu. 5(Chakra Multiplier) X 24(Rank of jutsu is A, but the rank stat is 24)=120 jutsu power(remember that jutsu have substats that this total number get divided between). Below is the described rank of jutsu.
D Rank: Rank 1(6 stats)
C Rank: Rank 2(12 stats)
B Rank: Rank 3(18 stats)
A Rank: Rank 4(24 stats)
S Rank: Rank 5(30 stats)
Limiteds(S): Rank 6(36 stats)

Endurance: Endurance stat governs your stamina and chakra pool. Each point placed into Endurance, grants your character an increased amount to the Stamina and chakra pool. The Stamina pool is used for anything involving movement(Running, evading, countering) to physical attacks(Bukijutsu & Taijutsu). The chakra pool is used for anything involving the use and flow of chakra. Such as performing jutsu or channeling chakra through a weapon. Each point increases the amount to the new highest: these numbers do not stack. Stamina and chakra both regenerate over time, but stamina more quickly than chakra. You regenerate 1 point less than your maximum per post. So if you have 4 Points in Endurance, then you regenerate 3 points per post. Chakra regenerates at 2 points less than your maximum per post.
Another thing to note is "Post Endurance". This is to prevent misuse of spamming attacks VS reaction stamina draining(Explained below). If you perform more than 1 attack per post(Whether stamina or chakra), your next attack will cost +1 point from your resource pool.
1 Point: 25 Stamina/Chakra
2 Points: 25 Stamina/Chakra
3 Points: 50 Stamina/Chakra
4 Points: 75 Stamina/Chakra
5 Points: 100 Stamina/Chakra
6 Points: 125 Stamina/Chakra
7 Points: 150 Stamina/Chakra
8 Points: 175 Stamina/Chakra
9 Points: 200 Stamina/Chakra
10 Points: 225 Stamina/Chakra
An example of this is a character with 6 points into Endurance, will have a stamina and chakra pool of 125.
Movements(Running, evading, countering)  to physical attacks(Bukijutsu & Taijutsu) cost 15 Stamina per action. This drain increases if reacting to an advantage. This will be explained below in the "Advantage/Disadvantage" section.
Additionally, the cost for chakra attacks(jutsu & effects) scale below.
D Rank(1 Point)- 10 chakra
C Rank(2 Points)- 20 chakra
B Rank(3 Points)- 30 chakra
A Rank(4 Points)- 40 chakra
S Rank(5 Points)- 50 chakra

-The Stat Advantages-
Stat Guide V1 GISiWkA
These are the differences that people can have in stats while experiencing different amounts of advantages. We’ve designed it to be like this purposefully, in the attempt to minimize the level of micromanagement that would be necessary. All that matters is 6 speed is faster than 4 speed. As such, here are the differences in stats and how they are managed when comparing them between characters: (it should always be noted that these comparisons aren't 100% concrete. Specifics can and will change the circumstances. Ex. Chidori is a specialized piercing technique and will have more advantage when it comes to durability. Be fair and reasonable about this.)

No Advantage: There are no advantages between you and your foe.
Ex. 2 Points  VS  2 Points
Speed vs. Speed: Opponents can comfortably keep up with each other.
Speed vs. Perception: Neither opponent has difficulty perceiving and reacting.
Strength vs. Strength: Opponents would lock into a stalemate if they tried overpowering one another.
Strength vs. Durability: Opponents can trade a few blows with each other, but they are by no means immune.  It will begin to add up.

Slight Advantage: There is a 1 point advantage. They may be able to keep up for a bit, but reacting to a 1 point advantage drains Stamina by 1 additional rank(Instead of 15 Stamina, it costs 30 Stamina to react).
Ex. 2 Points  VS  3 Points
Speed vs. Speed: Opponents can keep up with each other.  Disadvantaged opponent cannot keep up for extended periods of time without tiring over time.
Speed vs. Perception: The one with lower perception is slightly slower to react.
Strength vs. Strength: Opponents can keep up with each other in limited contact.  Given time, the weaker opponent will give out and tire very quickly.
Strength vs. Durability: Minor bruising & lacerations/ 1st degree burns-small area.

Moderate Advantage: There is a 2 point advantage. They may be able to keep up for a bit, but reacting to a 2 point advantage drains Stamina by 2 additional ranks(Instead of 15 Stamina, it costs 45 Stamina to react).
Ex. 2 Points  VS  4 Points
Speed vs. Speed: The slower opponent can only keep up for a few posts before tiring.
Speed vs. Perception: The one with lower perception is noticeably slower to react.
Strength vs. Strength: The weaker opponent begins showing disadvantage, though only slightly, in even limited contact.  In extended contact, their disadvantage is much more obvious.
Strength vs. Durability: Moderate bruising & lacerations/ 1st degree burns- medium area.

Heavy Advantage:  There is a 3 point advantage. They may be able to keep up for a bit, but reacting to a 3 point advantage drains Stamina by 3 additional ranks(Instead of 15 Stamina, it costs 60 Stamina to react).
Ex. 2 Points  VS  5 Points
Speed vs. Speed: The slower opponent cannot keep up, and trying will just exhaust them.
Speed vs. Perception: The one with lower perception is clearly slower to react.
Strength vs. Strength: The weaker opponent is overpowered even in limited contact.
Strength vs. Durability: Heavy bruising & lacerations/1st degree burns- large area.

Massive Advantage: There is a 4 point advantage. They may be able to keep up for a bit, but reacting to a 4 point advantage drains Stamina by 4 additional ranks(Instead of 15 Stamina, it costs 75 Stamina to react).
Ex. 2 Points  VS  6 Points
Speed vs. Speed: The slower opponent is easily outclassed.
Speed vs. Perception: The one with lower perception is quickly overwhelmed.
Strength vs. Strength: The weaker opponent is easily overpowered.
Strength vs. Durability: Minor bone damage & shallow cuts/ 2nd degree burns-small area.

Incomparable Advantage: There is a 5 point advantage. They are unlikely to keep up, but reacting to a 5 point advantage drains Stamina by 5 additional ranks.
Ex. 2 Points  VS  7 Points
Just don’t.


Posts : 251
Join date : 2020-06-15

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