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Sibling Games[Mission:A] Empty Sibling Games[Mission:A]

Post by Rei Sun Jun 28, 2020 7:36 am

Name: Pin the Tail on the Traitor
Rank: A
Location: Any Village
Reward: 200exp, 200 RYO, 6 posts of 200WC(Word Count) minimum
Description: A Special Jounin committed the ultimate betrayal and attempted to assassinate your Kage. He failed obviously, but managed to escape the guards on post. You have been sent to hunt them down and bring them to justice. You have been authorized to use lethal force if necessary.

There were few things worse than an attempt on the Grand Admiral's life: namely, a botched attempt. Second, failure to detain the would-be assassin. Not only did the act of attacking the Grand Admiral merit the death penalty... but the guards detaining the assassin- would also be severely punished for allowing the fool to escape. They may not get the death penalty and surely a word from Rei tot he Grand Admiral would lessen the guards' punishment, though the prospect would surely scare the guards and "encourage" them to be more vigilant in their shinobi and military duties.

Of course the escaped prisoner was still a problem, and the village had decided to send in two problem solvers- namely, Rei Terumi and her adorable little brother, Kuro Terumi. Sending someone of Rei's rank was a bit unnecessary, but she had insisted upon this mission. Not because of the attempted assassination of their Grand Admiral, but because the mission was going to be delivered to her little brother regardless. The overbearing older sister had pulled some strings so that she could attend to the mission with her little brother and make sure that nothing happened to him.

Two guards stood at attention and saluted her as she walked through the barracks doors, back outside after inspecting the few belongings the would-be assassin had left behind. "Report." she would say in a friendly but serious tone. She wore her hair tied up the usual... unusual way. Her clothing was that of the military uniform. She was on official business after all. Head to toe, dressed in white slacks, a white button-up shirt and a white overcoat with golden pauldrons for shoulders. Atop her head, rested a comfortable looking navy hat with 3 stars on it to signify her rank as Rear Admiral.

Posts : 17
Join date : 2020-06-25

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Sibling Games[Mission:A] Empty Re: Sibling Games[Mission:A]

Post by Kuro Sun Jun 28, 2020 9:30 am

Kuro had woken up early in the day, as he had been assigned a mission. Not just any mission either, it was one that would certainly play a key role in the future of his career. He had been tagged to do an A-ranked mission with none other than a Rear Admiral. Not just any Rear Admiral, mind you, nope, he was with his big sister! He always enjoyed their time training, even if she could be somewhat strict in their training regimes. He didn't mind though, as he enjoyed getting stronger with his beloved older sibling, and she certainly helped him get stronger.

As he moved to their meeting area at the gate, he knew he was earlier than their designated rendezvous time, but he was almost always early to everything. He knew they were going into the field, so he already had on his field clothes, which consisted of black pants, a white shirt and a red vest. The necklace his mother had given him in full view, as always. His rank and the village insignia were both located on his right arm, just below the shoulder. He had already checked all of his belongings and he was mission ready, just waiting on his sister to arrive to brief him on their plan.


Posts : 82
Join date : 2020-06-23

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Sibling Games[Mission:A] Empty Re: Sibling Games[Mission:A]

Post by Rei Sun Jun 28, 2020 4:58 pm

She listened to the guards for several moments, long enough to get the general idea of the traitor's background. Between his family history and his few belongings, Rei could guess well enough the type of individual this would-be assassin was. "That's enough. Keep the guards at the gate on high alert. Dismissed." she would say with a hint of authority, to which the guards would give her another sharp salute and then be on their way. Her presence demanded attention, whether from her rank, her skill or her looks. Military or civilian alike, were drawn to her.

With her menial task out of the way, she would leave the barracks and notice the shorter boy waiting patiently at the designated meeting spot. He was still early, but early was on time. Fully dawned in her white military uniform, she would approach Kuro. At first, she wouldn't give him any indication of sibling love. Although she dearly loved her little brother- their father's death had taught both of them a very important lesson. To take their careers seriously and make him proud. After a brief pause to render the proper customs, she would shift suddenly into cheerful and playful big sister. "Ku-chaaaan!" she would say and move with bewildering speed to grab her little brother and pull him into her bosom as she squeeze. "Are you ready to hunt down and kill a criminal?" she would ask white petting Kuro on the head. Of course she completely skipped the thought of capturing the Special Jounin alive. He was trash and would serve as a stepping stone on Kuro's path to success.

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Join date : 2020-06-25

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Sibling Games[Mission:A] Empty Re: Sibling Games[Mission:A]

Post by Kuro Sun Jun 28, 2020 8:34 pm

Kuro saw his sister approaching, dressed in her dress uniform, he had to stifle the glare he sent to a couple passing civilians who were ogling her. He might be her younger brother, but he was still protective. Once she was within customary distance, he would snap to attention and deliver a crisp salute, "Ma'am!" Once she returned it, he would blink before she was suffocating him within her... *ahem* ample assets. She was back to her normal self. Pulling away taking some exaggerated breaths, "Onee-sama, you're suffocating me!" He couldn't help but note the jealous looks he was now getting from the surrounding males, and some females? Interesting.

Once they got the pleasantries out of the way, she would ask him a question in regards to their mission, that being if he was ready to kill a criminal. He would offer a serious nod. One of the main lessons he had learned from her in their training was that traitors to the village deserved no mercy. What worth did one have if they didn't have loyalty? He would give his all in this mission, not only to show off in front of his sister, but to preserve their reputation with a positive mission count! "What is our plan, Onee-sama?"


Posts : 82
Join date : 2020-06-23

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Sibling Games[Mission:A] Empty Re: Sibling Games[Mission:A]

Post by Rei Sun Jun 28, 2020 9:59 pm

"The target can't move too swiftly, due to causing suspicion. I imagine he made it outside of the village by now. So he probably has a half hour lead on us. Luckily, we can move as fast as we want. There are several smaller villages nearby, but I guess he would go to the closest one to seek a boat. We'll go there and try our luck." she would say after thinking for a moment. Johogakure controlled the waters around the village and surrounding land. If anyone wished to make a voyage on a ship, they would have to go through Johogakure's customs and permissions. There was one village nearby that was rumored to deal in illegal transport however. That seemed like the safest bet.

Seeing as Kuro was already ready for the mission, she would head towards the village gates and test Kuro's knowledge. "Why do you think he would go to this smaller village in particular?" she would ask as they left the village and took up a paced stride. She was much faster than her little brother, but she paced herself to his speed. This mission was more than just a check block for her. She wanted to make sure that Kuro was well prepared for the cruelties of the shinobi world.  They had seem some before, on missions... but they were together then. She wouldn't always be able to protect him. As they traveled, Rei would continue to test Kuro's mental acuity and street smarts. If she wasn't training him physically, it was mentally. In all, it would take them about thirty minutes to reach the smaller village. They would slow their pace to a casual walk and enter the little village inconspicuously.

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Join date : 2020-06-25

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Sibling Games[Mission:A] Empty Re: Sibling Games[Mission:A]

Post by Kuro Mon Jun 29, 2020 9:35 am

Kuro would listen to her speak on their target, it made sense that he wouldn't be able to move at full shinobi speeds, though he doubted anyone would have really stopped him at the gate, assuming he was on a priority mission. Though it was certain that he had made it out of the village by this point, as it had been several hours probably. She then spoke of him needing to procure a boat, which would prove difficult without the proper papers and such, unless he stole one, which would certainly get destroyed before he was a mile off the coastline.

Unless... Of course! "He must have an in with the customs department at that dock, or he is setting sail from some form of off the books illegal dock for trafficking other illegal things. If he leaves from one of those places, it would be almost impossible for us to find him once he departs as there would be no records to chase after." It was true, which meant that their mission certainly had a time constraint to it. Which was something that he would need to focus on in order to maintain an air of urgency as he searched for the man once they arrived in the village.


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Join date : 2020-06-23

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Sibling Games[Mission:A] Empty Re: Sibling Games[Mission:A]

Post by Rei Mon Jun 29, 2020 10:26 am

"This is one such village, where with the right amount of ryo... anyone can purchase a charter off of Johogakure's mainland." She would explain as they entered the village. If Kuro was to be a good shinobi, he would need to know about these backdoor opportunities. Not a wholesome, nor legal venture- but it was just as important to know about. To know and do nothing about it... That was probably the most puzzling thing to Kuro's mind. If the village participated in illegal activities: surely it would be best to bring them to swift justice? Whether he was thinking along these lines or not, Rei would interject just before they reached the toll booth for the small docks. "It's impossible to stop all illegal activities, so we monitor them instead. They pay the village a tribute and certain rights. Such as inspections and such." she would say, allowing Kuro to imagine why the village would need inspection rights over illegal trading activities. Rei would clear up that speculation in just a moment.

As they reached the toll booth, the attendant took one look at Rei and Kuro and understood what it meant. Without a word, the attendant lady opened the door for them and allowed them to enter the docks without payment. Once they were inside, the attendant shut the door behind them. Fortune was on their side, as only one ship was currently in port. That meant their target only had one option- thus granting them the insight and planning to deal with their target before he could escape. 

She would stretch out a hand suddenly and point twenty or so meters away, aboard the ship was their target. He was just going below deck, which gave Rei and Kuro the opportunity to advance unseen by their target. "Sometimes when you allow black market businesses like this remain, it allows you to catch a nice price." she would say with a wicked smile. The only real questions remaining: was how to deal with the Special Jounin? A full scale battle could damage the docks and ship, thus damaging the delicate understanding between this illegal business and the village.

Posts : 17
Join date : 2020-06-25

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Sibling Games[Mission:A] Empty Re: Sibling Games[Mission:A]

Post by Kuro Tue Jun 30, 2020 10:36 pm

As the two shinobi entered the village, his sister was taking the time to explain things to him in such a way that he would be able to memorize and understand the information easily. He was of course absorbing it like a sponge as he always did with anything new. Whenever she had given him lessons in the past, he always gave her a hundred percent of his attention and absorbed all the knowledge that she ever imparted to him. She was very knowledgeable about things inside and outside of the village. He knew that the information she was giving him would prove critical in his future career so he made sure to file it away for later.

Once they made it to the dock, the lady in charge let them in without a fuss once she saw who they were, so that was certainly one benefit of letting such operations persist, the ability to come in and operate as they pleased within some reason. Coming into the actual port, they were able to see that there was only one ship, meaning their target only had one avenue of escape, and that ship hadn't set sail yet, so they had him in their grasp. "Onee-sama, how should we go about attacking? If the ship is so close to port, we can't really go all out without damaging the area, which i'm sure the people here would frown upon after showing us such... hospitality." He would follow whatever directives his sister gave though, she was the superior officer after all.


Posts : 82
Join date : 2020-06-23

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