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Missions 2 Empty Missions 2

Post by Kuro Fri Jun 26, 2020 4:38 pm

Mission 1:

Kuro opened his eyes, another day had come and he was ready to get started with his day. It had been a long few months, but he had managed to rise in the ranks from a basic Ensign to a Sub-Lieutenant. He earned the rank when he was able to start training with his big sister who was a Rear Admiral, as well as learning to use some of his Kekkei Genkai. He had only attained rank the previous week, so his responsibilities were still new to him in some sense, but in another, it was all the same as it had been before.

Basically, he was to complete missions, but now he was able to take on more difficult missions, as well as supposedly he would be placed into leadership roles more commonly now. Though, as he was still fresh in the position, he had yet to be placed into such a role. Regardless, he had been lost in thought for long enough. Rolling out of bed, he would begin to get dressed and would make his way out the door. It was time to head to the mission tower to claim his assignments for the day. What would today bring?


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Missions 2 Empty Re: Missions 2

Post by Kuro Fri Jun 26, 2020 4:52 pm

Only time would tell what sort of mission he would find himself completing today, as he had heard from many others that the higher ranked missions had more unique objectives than the lower ranked ones. As he made his way to the tower, he noticed that while the village was still dark, as he was out much earlier than most people were awake, he could see several areas that looked to be absolutely trashed. Some poor ensign was going to have a long day ahead of them, cleaning up that mess. Shaking his head, he would look up to see the tower, time to get to work.

Heading inside, the Ensigns at the door would offer a crisp salute, which he would politely return before moving to the mission room to receive his assignment from the Senior Ensign on duty. Receiving his scroll, he would make his way out of the building to begin his mission. Opening the scroll, he would allow a slightly annoyed sigh to escape his lips upon reading the first mission listed, it looked like HE would be the one investigating the destroyed property he had seen on his way to the tower. This was going to be a long ass day.


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Missions 2 Empty Re: Missions 2

Post by Kuro Fri Jun 26, 2020 5:46 pm

Arriving at the scene of the crime, he found himself looking at what he would describe as total destruction. It looked like some wild summons had gotten loose and run amok in the surrounding area. It wasn't until he saw a strange symbol painted in the middle of all the carnage that he knew that it had to be caused by some person. He saw an old woman picking up some of the debris, he decided to question her about the incident. She informed him that it had happened several times, and in other locations as well, a group of thugs had been going around trashing businesses that refused to pay for protection.

She had pointed him to another business that had very recently been trashed, it had happened at some point the previous night in fact. Making his way there, he arrived to a scene much like the one he had arrived to at the other place. There were several employees there cleaning up the mess and the owner was looking absolutely devastated. Speaking with the man, Kuro was able to learn some information about the thugs, including the direction they came from, what several of them looked like and more!


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Missions 2 Empty Re: Missions 2

Post by Kuro Fri Jun 26, 2020 6:08 pm

The man had pointed him in the direction that the village landfill was located, covered in scraps and metal parts. It would seem that the gang had made that into their headquarters. He decided that this would be a good time to investigate the junk yard and see what he could find. Upon arriving, he noticed there were two thugs at the entrance, obviously keeping guard, so he decided to make his move. His job was to make sure they didn't attack any more businesses, so that is exactly what he would be doing. Cracking his neck, he would walk over to the two, forming a string of handsigns.

Ash would begin to pour out around him and then move forwards, blocking the view of those thugs guarding the gate. They seemed concerned for sure, but he silenced them both with a chop to the neck. Moving inside, he relied on his sense of hearing to find the rest. There were only five more of them inside. Listening, he heard two of them chatting calmly, while the other two were being yelled at by the fifth voice, obviously their leader. Rushing in, he would knock out the four followers before grabbing the boss by the neck and allowing the fog to disperse. After putting the fear of god in him, Kuro would make his way out of the junk yard, mission complete.

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Missions 2 Empty Re: Missions 2

Post by Kuro Fri Jun 26, 2020 7:18 pm

Mission 2:

Kuro sighed as he ate his breakfast, his next mission would be starting soon, so he needed to be making his way to the academy. He noticed that he wasn't quite as overzealous as he had been when he had first started, seemingly, the time he had spent growing stronger had made him realize that as Shinobi of Johogakure, he was nothing but a pawn to the village, a dog to be sicced on their enemies or to guard their land. He shook his head, he knew that he would need to keep pushing deeper into the belly of the beast in order to make his father proud.

Standing and dropping some money on the table, he would leave the bistro and would head in the direction of the academy. He tried to recall his time within the academy, so as to mentally prepare himself to take on this mission. He knew he would be channeling several of his old teachers. He knew how rowdy academy students could be, so he would need to be assertive, so as to keep them from getting any ideas. He would also need to be on the top of his game as far as general knowledge went, being able to answer all their questions.


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Missions 2 Empty Re: Missions 2

Post by Kuro Fri Jun 26, 2020 7:18 pm

Once he arrived to the academy, he was ushered into the class that he was covering. The students who were walking about and chatting amongst themselves all stiffened to attention and offered him a salute, he offered a crisp salute himself. Looking around, he fought the urge to sigh, this was a class in their final year, they were all his age... This just got harder. "Attention. I am Sub-Lieutenant Terumi, I will be standing in for Senior Ensign Yamamura today. I expect you to be on your best behavior." His tone left no room for argument.

He would then get straight into the lesson. Their first topic was village history, "Ours is the oldest village in the world, standing as the most technologically advanced. Founded by the Shodai Johokage, Nerumu Uchiha. It was roughly three generations ago that we were entered into the One Year War against the evil Chozogakure." He would then pass out a history exam, which the students took independently. Once they turned them in, he gave them some time to get out their next notes, it was time to learn the intricacies of the Joho Military. This would be a good subject for them to cover.


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Missions 2 Empty Re: Missions 2

Post by Kuro Fri Jun 26, 2020 7:19 pm

Moving back to the front of the class, he would begin to speak again. "As trainee's of the Johogakure Shinobi Program, you all must have memorized all the things that are required for all Ensigns to learn before you are allowed to graduate. This would be the rank structure as well as the laws that are specifically applied to us Shinobi. A Shinobi is first and foremost, a soldier of the Kage, beholden to their decisions. The ranks are as follows, in order: Ensign, Senior Ensign, Sub-Lieutenant, Lieutenant, Captain, Vice Admiral, Rear Admiral and Grand Admiral." He would give them time to digest what he said before moving on to the next thing.

"The next thing you all must memorize would be the general laws of the land, as of this curriculum, you are required to know the first eight. Pay proper respect and salutes to any rank above you, Obey the orders from those above you, Each shinobi has a symbol that depicts their rank at all times, somewhere visible on their uniform, Withholding important information about criminals or war combatants will be punished severely, Allies of the village are to be treated fairly but not above suspicion, Deserters and war combatants are to be treated with extreme prejudice, Actions against other villages or major organizations must be sanctioned by the Grand Admiral, and finally, Leaking important information is prohibited & will be punished severely."


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Missions 2 Empty Re: Missions 2

Post by Kuro Fri Jun 26, 2020 7:32 pm

Once he had finished those descriptions, he would stand and give himself an opportunity to stretch. It was now time to move them outside to begin the final portion of their day, physical training. This would be the simplest part of the entire training as it was what most people remembered from their time in the academy. Using the basic jutsu as well as throwing weapons and doing the taijutsu sparring were always the best times he could think of. So, he split the kids into groups, some of them working on taijutsu spars, some of them working on throwing weapons and then some working with him on the jutsu.

He would make his way between each group, helping them where he could and offering tips to those who were close to figuring it out. He could tell that there were several talented kids in this generation, so their military would only be growing stronger as soon as they managed to graduate. He had to chuckle to himself, he sounded like the old men that he had met when he was being promoted, rambling about talented newcomers and the future of the village. It would seem that he was maturing after all.

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Missions 2 Empty Re: Missions 2

Post by Kuro Fri Jun 26, 2020 9:28 pm

Mission 3:

As he was leaving the school building, he was pulled aside by an administrator. "One of the students in your class failed to report in this morning, but we received word that he was spotted in the village roaming around. If you would be so kind as to fetch him for us, it would be most appreciated." Kuro would nod, "Yes, Sir!" before heading out the door. The kid had been spotted around the food court across the village, so it would take him some time to get there. It didn't matter, it wasn't like he was incapable of capturing an academy student.

From what he could tell, the kid was a trouble maker who the teachers didn't think would make it all the way through the program. The only downside being that his father was a wealthy investor in the academy, so they knew better than to upset the man. He would run a hand through his hair as he walked, it still annoyed him, the bureaucratic way that several institutions in the village's government operated. If he was ever in charge, he would try to do something about it, but the fact that he hated the way it worked was enough to ensure he wouldn't be in charge.


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Missions 2 Empty Re: Missions 2

Post by Kuro Fri Jun 26, 2020 9:48 pm

His goal was simply to be strong enough to make his father proud. He had heard of an organization within the village that was only for the most elite of shinobi. He would be sure to check that out once he felt that he was up to the challenge. He knew that he still needed to expand his jutsu list before he could claim to be anything other than totally average. It just took an insane amount of time to learn jutsu, because of the practice one needed and the time to gain that experience to be able to use it in battle.

He currently only had two, though they were powerful, he needed more in order to increase his versatility. He was sure that if he put in the work, he would be able to grow stronger. Though, he also recognized that it was going to be a LONG road to success and power, so he needed to keep his head to the ground and keep pushing himself every day to grow stronger. Clenching his fist, he vowed to himself once again that he would make his father proud and keep his memory alive! He was certainly on the right track, but that didn't mean he could slack off now, no, he would be working much harder now!


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Missions 2 Empty Re: Missions 2

Post by Kuro Sat Jun 27, 2020 10:06 pm

Closing his eyes for a moment more, he would then open them. It was one thing for him to say that he would get stronger, and another thing altogether to do such a thing. He needed to master his kekkei genkai, learn other techniques, work on his physical capabilities as well. He would also need to learn strategies and that isn't even to mention the actual combat experience he would need to obtain before he could consider himself ready to carry on the torch left to him by his father. The man was not only a Captain, but was also an elite shinobi among the village.

He was renowned not only for his total mastery of the clan's techniques, as well as several custom techniques. His father was a man of renown, and it was a tragedy that took him from his family. But, he knew that this was the life of a shinobi, the life that he had also chosen. His father was an amazing man, and he was also the role model for Kuro's life, because of how amazing he had been in the short years that the boy had known him. It was because of this man, and his sacrifice that Kuro vowed to not only become powerful enough to protect the village, his family and his father's memory, but also to find a secret to immortality, so that his family would never feel that pain again.


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Missions 2 Empty Re: Missions 2

Post by Kuro Sat Jun 27, 2020 10:24 pm

Shaking his head, he looked around, he was close to where he could find his target now, so it was time to get serious. The kid he was looking for should be easy to find as he was described to have green hair, which should stand out pretty easily. Though, it was possible the kid would be using a henge, so he would need to keep his guard up. As he walked around the district, he made sure to keep his eyes peeled for anything that would stand out to him, as this would most likely be related to the kid playing hooky.

Looking around, he spotted the thing he was looking for. A man who appeared to be around his mid-forties, but he was looking at the candy stall with such childish joy that it became obvious, so Kuro would stumble by him, bumping him slightly and apologizing. The slight bump however had exactly the effect he desired, which was cancelling the henge, leaving a young child looking stunned and then horrified when he noticed the rank on Kuro's shoulder. "Alright, you. We are going back to the Academy where you can take your punishment." He would then grab the kid by the collar and would literally drag him back to the school building.

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Missions 2 Empty Re: Missions 2

Post by Kuro Sat Jun 27, 2020 11:13 pm

Mission 4:

When he arrived back to the Academy, he would drop the kid off to an irate looking teacher. After sticking around to listen to the ass chewing the kid got, he would leave with a slight smile on his face. It always made him smile to see anyone else get smoked for breaking the rules that so many had sacrificed so much for. Shaking it out of his mind, he would make his way to the next location for his mission, he would be escorting a blacksmith to a village to drop off some of his wares. It should be a rather simple task.

He stopped for a moment to make sure his gear was ready, because he would be leaving the confines of the village. It was always important to have one's gear prepared, it was one of the main things covered by the academy upon covering missions outside of the village's walls. As this was one such occasion he would need to remember all of his lessons and bring forth the experience he had gained through his time of training and taking on missions. He would admit, he had learned a lot in his time, but he knew that he had a lot left to learn.


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Missions 2 Empty Re: Missions 2

Post by Kuro Sat Jun 27, 2020 11:13 pm

Once he was back on the road, it would only take him a few moments to reach the meeting place. Once he arrived, he found the client waiting for him. "Greetings, Mr. Takatsuki. I trust I haven't kept you waiting long?" The old man would simply shake his head to the negative. He was mute, so these primitive methods of communication would be the only methods for this mission. As the two prepared themselves to leave the village, he found it important to lay down some ground rules for the man, just in case.

"Just some rules for the road. You will remain within three feet of me at all times, unless directed otherwise. You will always walk in front of me, unless directed otherwise. You will follow all of my orders from the moment we leave this village, and we will make it to our destination." With the rules set, it was time for them to make their way to their destination village. It would take them a couple hours to make it there, so he prepared himself for quite the trek, given that they would have to move at civilian speeds the entire time. It would take them a while to get there, so it was best to get moving now.


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Missions 2 Empty Re: Missions 2

Post by Kuro Sat Jun 27, 2020 11:28 pm

Once they made their way out of the village, they moved in relative silence. The man was a mute, so he was unable to speak, but given that Kuro wasn't much of a talker unless he had actual substance to speak about. As they walked, keeping and even pace, Kuro kept his eyes scanning the forest around the rocky road they traveled down. It wasn't until he heard a twig snap that he rushed forwards, pulling the old man back by his shoulder, out of the way of several shuriken impacting into the ground where he had been moments prior.

Looking up as three bandits appeared around them, one in front and two behind. Kuro immediately sprung into action, Pulling out a kunai, and rushing the one closest to his client. He managed to stab him in the heart and then in the throat, leaving him dying, drowning in his own blood. Turning, the other two were still posing a threat as the advanced quickly. Kuro rushed through hand signs, releasing a thick cloud of ash around himself, the client and the surrounding area. He used this cover to pull the client to safety, leaving the two other bandits stumbling around in the ash.


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Missions 2 Empty Re: Missions 2

Post by Kuro Sat Jun 27, 2020 11:28 pm

As the two stumbled around blindly in the mist, Kuro formed some more handseals before sending a stream of fiery ash from the palm of his right hand into the ashen cloud, igniting it into a superheated cloud of fire and brimstone. Only the screams of the two could be heard coming from it. So, upon verifying that he had killed them, he would direct the client to continue down the path to the village. Once they arrived, it didn't take very long for the man to conclude his business and be ready to get back on the road.

The trip back was, as usual, much faster than the trip there. The return trip had been rather dull but not totally boring, as they passed the area where they had killed the bandits and Kuro burned their remains to ashes, so as to clean off the road and to prevent anything from happening, it was a crazy world after all. As soon as they made it back to the village, the man went back to his shop after signing the mission scroll. It was now time for Kuro to begin preparing to take on his final mission of the day.

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Missions 2 Empty Re: Missions 2

Post by Kuro Sat Jun 27, 2020 11:53 pm

Mission 5:

Once he arrived back to the village, it was time to take on his final mission of the day. He spoke only briefly to the man who was putting on the mission, asking questions in regard to the burglaries he had experienced over the last few days. The description of the thief that he received was a young kid in brown rags that came in and managed to get away before the store owner was able to catch him. It shouldn't be too difficult for someone like him though, a special jounin and all. Supposedly the last thing the kid stole was a priceless diamond that was supposed to be sold for around a million Ryo.

Now having a target, he got on the move. He jumped up onto a rooftop to look at the picture he had just been given. Drawn by the store owner, who was an admittedly good artist, he would memorize the general features before the paper would go up in flames.. His mission was simple, track down the kid and capture him without losing the priceless diamond. It would be a simple task to catch him, once he managed to track the kid down. He rushed off the rooftop, jumping down, spinning on a flagpole and then leaping back into the air. He landed on a telephone wire and ran across it.


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Missions 2 Empty Re: Missions 2

Post by Kuro Sun Jun 28, 2020 12:00 am

He was looking for one kid in a veritable sea of homeless or poor looking people all dressed in brown or black rags which could meet the description given by the man from the store. As he looked, he also went down to question the denizens of this district on any thieves they knew of that were young and had been active recently. Not surprisingly, he got nothing. None of them wanted to rat out one of their own, so he would need to search harder, it wouldn't be as easy as he had hoped. It never was. Just once, it would be great if he could find an easy solution though...

He was still searching, even after several hours of looking. But, he finally managed to find a lead. He overheard some old women that were leaving the park talking about a strange boy they had seen carrying a large hand purse through the village market. That was his first lead and he wasn't letting it get away. Sprinting at top speed away from where he was, he headed in the direction of the villages market. Once he arrived to the market, it was time to begin his search.


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Missions 2 Empty Re: Missions 2

Post by Kuro Sun Jun 28, 2020 12:00 am

Looking around the market common, he found that several people were wearing brown cloaks as it was a common color in the village. He also took note of several people with the same brown hair that the culprit was said to have, so it seemed he would need to be even more observant than he had been hoping. Moving to an area to the side, he would think of all the things he knew about the target. Short, most likely a young child, wearing brown rags, with brown hair, green eyes and a medium sized scar across his nose. Shouldn't be too hard to find, right?

He decided it was time to make some rounds through the crowds that made up the area, people in lines to the various vendors and then people socializing with friends and family about the area. None of them matched the descriptions of the one he was looking for, it would seem that the tip he had gotten was incorrect. Looking around, he was really keeping his eyes peeled for anything that would catch his attention as strange or suspicious. Just looking for anything to draw him in and lead him to his target. It would be so good, in his opinion, to be able to complete this mission easily, so that he could get home to rest.


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Missions 2 Empty Re: Missions 2

Post by Kuro Sun Jun 28, 2020 12:01 am

It was at that moment that he noticed something, just at the corner of his eye. Looking across the crowded marketplace, through various stands and vendors, he noticed a small hand reaching between some people and plucking an apple from the stand and then a kid rushing at high speeds away from the area. He couldn't see his face clearly, but he was in a tattered brown, hooded robe. Rushing after him, Kuro would grab him by the shoulder once he caught up, turning the kid around to find green eyes and a scar across his nose. He had caught his guy!

Talking to the kid, he would be handed all the stolen items, including the diamond. The kid was then dragged back to the store he had stolen from to offer an apology, and it ended up that he would be working there, in order to make reparations for the stolen property, and damage to the store's front window. Once that was all settled and he had gotten his final signature, he made his way back to the mission tower to claim his rewards before heading home for some much needed rest and relaxation.

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