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Weapon Guide V1 Empty Weapon Guide V1

Post by Admin Tue Jun 16, 2020 6:19 pm

Weapon Guide
All shinobi once approved, start with a beginner's pack. This includes 2 kunai, 5 shuriken, 1 explosive tag & 1 small scroll.
Here on Naruto Mirage, we take pride in the creation and use of weapons. There are many types of weapons, and even more methods of using each one. All shinobi are capable of using weapons to a degree, but most specifically to those shinobi who possess the Bukijutsu skill. Without a Bukijutsu skill, the shinobi are limited to practical use of basic weaponry. The skilled use of weapons belongs to the Bukijutsu specialist after all. If you intend to use weapons in any shape or form outside of simply wielding a kunai/shuriken and/or throwing them- then Bukijutsu is the skill for you. Otherwise your options are pretty limited! It's important to know that weapons above B Rank require special materials to craft! Most materials can be obtained through your individual village/group's territory control of the Resource system: however, a few select resources are event rewards only!

So let's look at a few examples of weapons. Everyone knows we have projectile and small hand-held weapons like the kunai, shuriken and senbon... However there are more advanced and more skilled use types of weapons. These include the aforementioned projectile hand-held weapons, but also swords, fans, bo staff, windmill shuriken, ninja wire and many other types. Each individual type of weapon falls under a subcategory of the Bukijutsu skill. The reason behind this is due to the sheer variety and use of weapons. The exception to this is a shinobi who solely learns and masters Bukijutsu. A shinobi of this caliber may learn and wield all weapon types proficiently. One special rule regarding this is that being a master of all weapon types allows the weapon master to obtain all of the site's set weapons(The relic weapons only, these are NM's version of the 7 swords of the mist). This of course means they cannot earn an other skill such as Ninjutsu, Genjutsu, etc. Any shinobi practicing Bukijutsu along with a secondary Specialization may learn up to 2 types of Bukijutsu. Now let's look at the weapon types listed below.


Bukijutsu Types

  • Shurikenjutsu: (手裏剣術, Literally meaning: sword hidden in the hand techniques) Users of this skill master the use of small hand-held projectiles such as the shuriken, kunai, senbon & windmill shuriken. Less common forms of Shurikenjutsu are caltraps and knives.
  • Kenjutsu: (剣術, Literally meaning: Sword Technique) Users of this skill master the use of swords. Swords come in varying shape and size, but do not include knives. Anything from a sword sword, a 2hand wakizashi, and not-so-ordinary forms like the infamous Seven Swordsmen of the Mist.
  • Kayakujutsu: (火薬術, Literally meaning: Gunpowder Techniques) Users of this skill master the use of explosive tags and other types of volatile compounds. These range between gunpowder to liquid substances like nitroglycerin. While extremely potent and deadly, the users themselves are not immune to their own explosions. One must be careful while using Kayakujutsu, as timed wrong or improperly placed could lead to the foe using their own weapons against the user. Purchasable explosive such as explosive tags(Not C4) have an explosive damage equivalent to a ranked weapon's base damage(So a D Rank explosive tag would have 6 damage, while A Rank nitroglycerin would be 9 damage).
  • Bojutsu: (棒術, Literally meaning: Staff Techniques) Users of this skill master the use of staves, as well as spears and/or lances. The size and form of this weapon type ranges from simple wooden poles, to lances, to tridents, etc. This weapon type has long melee range, easily overcoming multiple opponents if wielded correctly.
  • Tessenjutsu: (鉄扇術, Literally meaning: Iron-fan Technique) Users of this skill master the use of fans. Small bladed fans, large heavy steel fans, etc. Depending on the size, type and material- fans can serve a host of uses. Ranging from small sharp fans for deflecting projectiles to close in and slice up unsuspecting opponents, to wielding enormous steel fans as both a shield and wind barrier.
  • Kusarigamajutsu: 鎖鎌術, Literally meaning: Chain Sickle Technique) Users of the skill master the use of sickles. The size and shape of the sickle varies from a one-handed short sickle, to a two-hand scythe. The sickle is just one side of the weapon, attached somewhere to the sickle is a chain which serves as the other end of the weapon. These types of weapons serve as both melee and mid-range weapons with a diverse move set.
  • Kyujutsu: (弓術, Literally meaning: Bow Technique) Users of this skill master the use of bows. Size and shape varies from one-handed crossbow launchers, two-hand bows and in special cases, guns. Most common types of these weapons are associated with ammo like arrows, bolts and steel balls. Higher grade weapons of this nature even use the user's own chakra as a source of ammunition.
  • Kugujutsu: (傀儡使い, Literally meaning: Puppet Technique) Users of this skill master the use of puppets controlled by chakra strings. Size and shape varies, as the puppets reflect many living creatures aside from humans. Puppets are not limited to depictions of living creatures however. Complex mechanism weapons also count as puppetry.

Weapon Traits
Onto more specific details about weapons: weapons can have many types of damage. Slashing, Piercing and Blunt. While these traits are less-important of other weapon functions, it is important to note the weapon's type. The reason for this is to determine the type of damage it inflicts. Naturally, certain types of weapon traits have both strengths and weaknesses. There is a 50% increase or decrease in weapon damage depending on the type of surface the weapon's trait comes into contact with. When using a weapon strong against a type, it gains an additional 50% base weapon damage. The reverse is also possible: a weapon weak against a type, loses 50% of its base weapon damage. Note that damage is used in the sense of both attacking and defending elements. Such as a sword striking armor.

  • Slashing: Slash damage is strong against piercing damage.
  • Piercing: Pierce damage is strong against blunt damage.
  • Blunt: Blunt damage is strong against slash damage.

Weapon Stats, armor & Ability
Weapons are more than just traits however. Simply swinging a sword doesn't determine how much damage is dealt to/by you. Any weapon against bare skin is capable of dealing damage: the amount depends on how resistant your foe is through their Durability stat. Even the higher-end shinobi with immense Durability can still take damage, as most bodies aren't impervious to physical damage. Of course these things are determined by the quality of a weapon. A dull blade might serve more as a paddle to bruise the skin, while a sharpened edge may lacerate or even decapitate.

Unlike jutsu, the power of weapons start out much higher: though they lose their leading edge against more advanced shinobi with a high chakra stat. Some weapons have been known to possess special abilities. This concept has been incorporated into the weapon guide, however not all weapons are capable of possessing such an ability. This is determined by weapon quality. Keep in mind that staff reserve the right to deny or ask for changes from custom weapons and abilities. Certain abilities are reserved for Limited class weapons such as the Seven Swords of the Mist & the Sword of Totsuka.

Please refrain from making such OP weapons unless you plan for them to take up your sole Limited slot. Puppet slots listed below only apply to puppetry, so disregard puppet slots if you don't have the Kugujutsu skill. I'm underlining this next part for emphasis. Armor shares the same base power as weapons but in defensive power alone! Armor cannot use abilities, nor boost their stats above base values. By standard, minimum weight for weapons benefiting from two Major stat boosts is 100+lbs.

  • D Rank: Base 6 damage. 1 puppet slot. 200RYO.
  • C Rank: Base 7 damage. 2 puppet slots. 300RYO.
  • B Rank: Base 8 damage. 1 minor weapon ability. 3 puppet slots. 400RYO.
  • A Rank: Base 9 damage. 4 puppet slots. 1,000RYO.
  • S Rank: Base 10 damage. 1 major weapon ability & 1 minor weapon ability(Or 2 minor abilities). 5 puppet slots. 2,000RYO.

Weapon abilities are a delicate matter. As such, they have been defined into two distinct categories. Minor and Major. Keep in mind that weapon abilities constitute as jutsu, as such, they have chakra cost per activation and/or use reflecting jutsu costs: depending on factors of how the abilities is used exactly. Whether it is a duration type or specific activation per use. The difference between the power of these abilities is that some weapon abilities may have a flat power stat, while others may scale with the user's chakra stat. Normally, weapons are incapable of having chakra imbued into them- this is why weapon abilities are important. Without a Bukijutsu skill and a weapon ability of "Chakra flow" one cannot create chakra-infused weapon attacks. Another important matter to explain is the capacity of weapon abilities. While the below information remains true, we have put a stipulation on weapon abilities by size and weight. Small hand-held weapons, projectiles and most one-handed weapons may only benefit from one Major ability which boosts its damage. This is to prevent misuse of the weapon ability system and circumventing the overburdening through the stat system.

  • Minor Ability: Minor abilities are types of skills that are not overwhelming by nature. Used efficiently and smartly, even a minor ability can lead on to victory. That does not make it a major ability however. Minor abilities are types that use support as well as tactics, not brute strength to overwhelm another in battle. Minor abilities cannot scale with the user's chakra stat, but may have a moderate power stat(+1 in power). Examples of Minor abilities are weapon form manipulation, chakra flow & self-repair & of course the minor stat boost. 1,000RYO.
  • Major Ability: Major abilities are types of skills that clearly overwhelm or thwart an opponent by nature. These types of abilities are powerful and can scale with the user's chakra stat or simply have a high base stat(+2 in power).Examples of this are chakra storing(not absorption), unbreakable, length-extensions, Major stat boost(+2), etc. 2,000RYO.

Puppetry is also a delicate matter. Often times we see puppetry as either too powerful or underwhelming and undesirable. Here on Naruto Mirage, we will do our best to provide everyone with the opportunity to shine with their desired method of fighting. Keep in mind that no singular stat, skill or weapon makes one invincible or all-powerful. The potential to be a god is there for everyone, just follow the guides and work hard! This includes the use of puppets of course: the pinnacle being human puppetry itself. Which if you haven't deduced yet, is pseudo-immortality! Let's not forget the potential use of others' KKGs which could grant you more versatility than other shinobi. Puppetry also abides by weapon traits and abilities: so when making puppet parts and weapons, abide by the above information.

Unlike regular weapons however, puppets are allowed to have a higher number of weapon abilities through the use of multiple weapon attachments. Plan carefully however, for each ranked puppet has only so many puppet slots! Each puppet may have no more than 2 weapons equal to its own rank- such as an S Rank puppet may only have up to 2 S Rank weapon attachments. Each puppet may only have a maximum of 4 weapon attachments of any lower rank. Such as a B Rank puppet may only have 2 B Rank weapon attachments & 4 D & 4 C ranked attachments.

  • D Rank: 4 puppet slot total.
  • C Rank: 8 puppet slots total.
  • B Rank: 12 puppet slots total.
  • A Rank: 16 puppet slots total.
  • S Rank: 20 puppet slots total.

Finally the last segment of the weapon guide. While weapons, armor & gadgets are very versatile and powerful in their own ways: they are gear, as such, they possess a weight when worn on a person. Most likely not the most favored part of the stat system, this ties into the Strength stat and indirectly into the Speed stat. Keep in mind that if you overburden yourself with weight from weapons, items, armor, etc- it will affect how fast you can move and/or react. For the sake of simplicity & preventing people from being a walking arsenal of weaponry(Unless you just want to invest that many points into Strength stat)- As long as you remain under 70% of your weight capacity, you won't be slowed down. Example. You have 10 Strength stat(That's 500 weight capacity) & you equip gear/weapons which totals over 70%(350lbs), you will be slowed down 10% for each additional 10% overweight you are. 70% weight slows you down 10%. 80% weight slows you down 20%. 90% weight slows you down 30%. 100% weight slows you down 40%, etc. It requires a little math, but it is important.

Additionally. When staff are grading custom items, armor & weapons- please be somewhat realistic with weight values. Don't try to make things unnaturally light. Staff will ask you to change the weight if they feel it is being improperly portrayed. Continued misuse of this privileged may end in you as an individual losing the right to custom creations. If you're concerned about weight of your belongings, use scrolls to store them & significantly reduce weight!

Item crafting
To begin crafting custom items of A Rank+, crafting materials from the Resource system are required. As well as a Village Blacksmithing Perk.
Consumable items crafted, create 10 of the consumable per resource spent.
A Rank items require two Tier 1 materials.
S Rank items require two Tier 2 materials.

Posts : 251
Join date : 2020-06-15

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